School Locator
Most often, students attend their neighbourhood catchment school, which is determined by the address of their primary home address. Families can learn what school catchment they belong to by using our school locator tool or reviewing our school catchment maps.
Schools LocatorSchool Catchment Maps
It is recommended that the school catchment maps and school locator tool be used together to confirm a school boundary. If you have any questions after consulting the information via this website, including whether your home falls within a school catchment, please contact us.
The Abbotsford School District offers educational options such as Fine Arts, French Immersion, Traditional School, Career and Trades programs and other choice programs at sites across the district. These District Programs are open to students both inside and outside of the school catchment maps.
How do I make a non-catchment request?
Parents may make in-district non-catchment requests. The school district will continue to manage enrolment in overcrowded secondary schools. The school district has restricted the number of non-catchment requests of students entering Yale Secondary, Robert Bateman Secondary, Abbotsford Senior, W.J. Mouat Secondary, and all their feeder schools in order to reduce enrollment over time.
- In-District Non Catchment Request Form and Procedures (AP336-3)
- Out of District Non Catchment Request Form (AP336-4)